Carlyn Iverson
For four decades Carlyn Iverson has worked as a creative professional bringing art and science together.
After graduating from the University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences with a Bachelor of Science Degree, Carlyn worked in the Biomedical Graphics Department of the University of Minnesota Hospitals learning skills of the medical illustration profession. From there a career in illustration for medical and college textbooks began spanning a period of twenty years contributing to the visual content of over 200 textbooks and many other publications for the general public. Additional employment at Splitrock Studios and Blue Rhino Studio working as a fabrication artist, 6 years with NOAA in the office as a data visualizer, followed with working for UWorld of Dallas as a medical illustrator.
Carlyn has held a wide range of freelance contracts for organizations including the Charles Darwin Foundation, National Geographic, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Minnesota Zoological Gardens and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. For the DNR, over 200 illustrations for the state-wide school curriculum package called MNAqua were created. This award winning curriculum and art package brings the freshwater ecology of Minnesota directly to the students of the state to increase awareness of water as a valuable and intrinsic resource in Minnesota.
Additional projects include companies such as Taser International, Kongsberg Submarines, and institutions such as the National Institute of Health, the University of Vermont, Lindblad Expeditions and the Raptor Center of Minnesota.
Skills include 2-D animations for video output including voice and music overlay, and 3-D modeling using ZBrush and other digital tools.